Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the awakening process take?
It really does vary, although whether you are working independently or with a guide, anticipate that it will take many months at a minimum. I also suggest taking a period of time after each shift to allow that new perspective to settle in, and also to allow enough time to see if a shift truly occurred.
Am I able to work without being in dialogue with someone guiding me through the inquiry?
Working without a guide is absolutely possible, as was the case with me, and there are many who are able to do so. Of course, not everyone is able to work that way. The information provided on this website will hopefully be of use whether you work on your own or with someone else.
How do I find a guide to work with? Can you start working with me on a fetters dialogue?
I am not starting new dialogues, and I don’t have a network or system by which people can find guides.
Do the fetters have to be approached in order, 1 through 10?
In the end, it might be said that all that the fetters refer to must be swept out, in whatever order and by whatever means, allowing for a variety of approaches and methods. The fetters are generally approached in order, and it can be difficult to (for example) significantly affect the underlying sense that "I Am" if the push and pull reactions (which are based on the belief that "I Am") are still happening. However, the fetters can also be approached in a more nonlinear and even intuitive way, provided that care is taken to not assume that a noticeable shift regarding one fetter necessarily means another has also shifted.
How will working with this approach change my life? Will I still be able to do my work?
The most prominent change will be that you no longer suffer - that is “the” result of awakening. Along with that, there will no longer be a sense of”me” or identity, and the world around you will appear rather different as well. And yet, daily life can and does go on, in many ways better than before. The changes are in terms of there no longer being what once appeared to be a world of solid and real people and things, as well as a solid and real “me” that was at the center of it all. Family, friends work, hobbies - there may not be many changes in such areas, though some degree of change may occur, and it may be that a given area of interest won’t seem as important as it once did.
What advice do you have for people with mental health conditions? Are there any health warnings?
If you have, or suspect you have, a mental health condition, please do not use the material on the website without first following the advice of a qualified mental health professional. Please also see the Terms, Conditions and Disclaimer page. Even in the absence of an underlying mental health condition, there may be some effects you experience, such as periods of agitation or energy surges, which are not uncommon.
What makes this process different from what other Buddhist organizations offer? Different from what other awakening approaches offer?
To the extent that a Buddhist organization offers a process that leads to the end of suffering, what is offered here only differs in terms of approach, and perhaps of description. It may be that not all Buddhist organizations or teachers anticipate, for example, that all sense of “me” and identity disappear, that suffering completely ends, or that impermanence ceases to be a meaningful concept. I also describe how I believe the fetters process highlights where and how Buddhism and the nondual or Advaita process both agree and differ, with the juncture of “I Am” being the point of departure.
Can I make a donation?
All of this information presented here is offered free of charge.
It really does vary, although whether you are working independently or with a guide, anticipate that it will take many months at a minimum. I also suggest taking a period of time after each shift to allow that new perspective to settle in, and also to allow enough time to see if a shift truly occurred.
Am I able to work without being in dialogue with someone guiding me through the inquiry?
Working without a guide is absolutely possible, as was the case with me, and there are many who are able to do so. Of course, not everyone is able to work that way. The information provided on this website will hopefully be of use whether you work on your own or with someone else.
How do I find a guide to work with? Can you start working with me on a fetters dialogue?
I am not starting new dialogues, and I don’t have a network or system by which people can find guides.
Do the fetters have to be approached in order, 1 through 10?
In the end, it might be said that all that the fetters refer to must be swept out, in whatever order and by whatever means, allowing for a variety of approaches and methods. The fetters are generally approached in order, and it can be difficult to (for example) significantly affect the underlying sense that "I Am" if the push and pull reactions (which are based on the belief that "I Am") are still happening. However, the fetters can also be approached in a more nonlinear and even intuitive way, provided that care is taken to not assume that a noticeable shift regarding one fetter necessarily means another has also shifted.
How will working with this approach change my life? Will I still be able to do my work?
The most prominent change will be that you no longer suffer - that is “the” result of awakening. Along with that, there will no longer be a sense of”me” or identity, and the world around you will appear rather different as well. And yet, daily life can and does go on, in many ways better than before. The changes are in terms of there no longer being what once appeared to be a world of solid and real people and things, as well as a solid and real “me” that was at the center of it all. Family, friends work, hobbies - there may not be many changes in such areas, though some degree of change may occur, and it may be that a given area of interest won’t seem as important as it once did.
What advice do you have for people with mental health conditions? Are there any health warnings?
If you have, or suspect you have, a mental health condition, please do not use the material on the website without first following the advice of a qualified mental health professional. Please also see the Terms, Conditions and Disclaimer page. Even in the absence of an underlying mental health condition, there may be some effects you experience, such as periods of agitation or energy surges, which are not uncommon.
What makes this process different from what other Buddhist organizations offer? Different from what other awakening approaches offer?
To the extent that a Buddhist organization offers a process that leads to the end of suffering, what is offered here only differs in terms of approach, and perhaps of description. It may be that not all Buddhist organizations or teachers anticipate, for example, that all sense of “me” and identity disappear, that suffering completely ends, or that impermanence ceases to be a meaningful concept. I also describe how I believe the fetters process highlights where and how Buddhism and the nondual or Advaita process both agree and differ, with the juncture of “I Am” being the point of departure.
Can I make a donation?
All of this information presented here is offered free of charge.